Health Checks & Screening
Private Health Checks & Screening
At RevitaMed Health, we are adept at dealing with and treating problems as they arise. However, more patients are taking a more proactive towards their health, allowing them to achieve, or progress toward, great health and wellbeing. There may be a family history of certain conditions or a past medical diagnosis that is a constant worry for a patient. Private blood tests and screens are an excellent way to check on our overall health and can pick up conditions before they become a problem. Here, we fully believe that it is important to set aside time to carry out these individualised health checks, and to have the chance to discuss the results of your screen with an experienced GP.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is included in our health checks?
Although every private health check is tailored to our patients at RevitaMed, there are some elements that are common to all! Firstly, you will be asked to fill in a detailed questionnaire regarding your health and any specific health concerns. This information will be reviewed by the doctor, and they may need to ask you further questions. Next you will be invited to come in for blood tests (specific to you) and have your essential readings taken (blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturations, waist measurement, weight, Height and BMI).
What cancers can be screened for?
There are two types of blood tests for cancers:
- Tumour Markers
Some cancers produce proteins that are released into the blood. The trouble with these tests is that they are not always reliable in terms of screening. Other conditions that are not cancers can increase these levels leading to unnecessary worry. This is why they have not been used widely for screening purposes. However, in conjunction with a thorough history, an examination, or other investigations they can be very useful.
Examples of these, and the cancer they correspond to, are PSA (m) prostate; CA125 (f) ovarian; AFP liver cancer; CEA bowel cancer; CA19-9 pancreatic cancer, CA15-3 Breast cancer; - Genetic Tests
Some people have an inherited gene fault (mutation) that can increase the risk of them developing certain types of cancer. The most commonly talked about, with regard to family history, are those associated with breast and ovarian cancer (such as BRCA1/2, PALB2). There are gene panels that are now available that test for a number of genes at the same time. There are important considerations when having these tests, and they should only be done with the
What happens once I have had my tests?
Following your investigations, you will receive a detailed written report with explanation of each of the results. After taking some time to digest these, you will have the opportunity to discuss them with an experienced GP, who will advise you on next steps. This consultation may result in organising further medical investigations, referral to a specialist and treatment options for any medical issues discovered through your screening.
Our Location
Our state-of-the-art Scarisbrick clinic is located in West Lancashire close to Sefton encompassing: Southport, Ormskirk, Aughton, Formby, Birkdale, Ainsdale, Rufford, Mawdesley, Parbold, Halsall and Tarleton.
Book Your Appointment Today
To book a private health check or screening, just fill in our online form, call our clinic, or book online.